How to Raise Boys That Read (As Much as Girls Do): Not With Gross-Out Books and Video Game Bribes

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How I raised two boys who read:
1. Start reading to them pretty much as soon as they're born.
2. Read a lot - both frequently and as long as their attention holds. Their attention for stories will get longer as they get older if you keep reading to them.
3. Get comfy and make reading time a time to cuddle.
4. Read really well-written books - engaging plots, smart dialogue, solid exposition. Even young children are sophisticated and discerning enough to know when an author is condescending to them.
5. Perform when you're reading. Don't just read in a monotone: recite the book, with intonation and voices and accents and everything.
6. When they interrupt you to ask questions, take the time to answer them. By doing this, you help children to engage the story and build their own listening comprehension.
7. When they start to show an interest in reading, start teaching them how to do it. Get into the habit of taking turns reading to each other.
Edit - one more thing:
8. Be seen reading a lot yourself.
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